Hello world!
So, this is it. After years of coaxing by my friends and subconscious, I’ve finally bitten the bullet and taken a foray into blogging. Although I realize this site will never be viewed by more than the perpetual layer of dust that covers my MacBook Pro screen and my mother, I figured I’d devote this inaugural post to taking a little time to introduce myself to you, dear non-existent reader.
So, here are the basics:
I’m a 21-year-old International Relations student at Brown University in Providence, RI. I spent this past semester studying abroad in Sweden and am currently in NYC interning with ELLE magazine for the summer. I was born in Hungary and am a Hungarian citizen and US permanent resident (My mom is Hungarian. My dad is Nigerian. They met in Bulgaria. Don’t worry, a “Say what?!” is totally appropriate.) When I first moved to the US, I lived in St. Louis, MO. However, I was raised mainly in Lubbock, TX and went to high school in Mountain Home, AR (that’s “Arkansas” and not “Arizona” and yes, it’s as un-glam as it sounds).
I’ve loved fashion from a young age- my first word was “papucs,” which means “slipper” in Hungarian- and, as my background might suggest, I, as well as my sartorial sense, have had the fortune of being molded by a myriad of life experiences, places, and events. I created this blog to serve as an outlet for my various style musings, inspirations, loves, etc. etc. Also, biracial, twenty-something, female, urban, northeast college student/soon-to-be scared-shitless but hopeful young professional that I am, don’t be surprised if various feminist & racial rants observations, alternative/indie/whatever else yes-I-am-trying-to-impress-you music, and random news & culture posts pop up on here from time to time. Basically, I just need a place to be able to share chic/fabulous/cool/ interesting/infuriating things that are on my mind that is not my Facebook wall.
So, welcome! Enjoy! And, if you’ve made it this far, DEAR GOD bless you.
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